
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Try to Stay In School

‘"If you only have a high school diploma or have dropped out, you are shut out of a number of jobs which are likely to give you a living wage," said Tammi Chun, executive director of Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education. "If we don't push people into post-secondary education and training or provide those opportunities, we really reduce their opportunity to be middle class."’

“Given Hawaii's strong service-sector economy, Johnsrud said she was surprised to see the state rank so high in the share of jobs requiring advanced training. The challenge will be to meet those needs. Both Chun and Johnsrud noted that Hawaii's middle-age population is better educated than those age 25 to 34.”

Both are from “College education grows more crucial” By Susan Essoyan

The greatest advice I received was from my mom about education. She said, they can take away everything, but not your education. It makes sense until they invented the memory snatching device.

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